I am taking a short break from my very hot -messy- but good smelling kitchen. I haven't been able to craft much recently as my neighbors apple tree has been softly calling to me to come pick its fruits. So pick I did. I came home with two giant reusable grocery bags full of sweet, yet tart McIntosh apples. And I have to use them fast other wise they will turn soft and then I cant use my borrowed apple peeler/corer on them- and there's NO way I am peeling them all by hand!!
In one day I made apple strawberry pie, apple sauce, and apple peel jelly(cant waste a thing!) and to top it off I made some home made chicken noodle soup! Andrew has been very happy to witness this culinary accomplishment and partake of the fruits of our(he helped with the canning!) labor. Andrew fulfills a very necessary role when I am in the middle of my domestic hurricanes. He is my picker-upper. I *try* to load the dishwasher and keep it going while I am buzzing through my kitchen, but often I get so involved with the task at hand that I let the dishes pile up. That's also where Andrew comes in! I get the joy of cooking, and cooking in a clean kitchen! I am always happy to cook for him, as he makes the task SO much easier!
I wish you were all here to help me enjoy- hopefully these pictures are appetizing enough!
Love Love!
Na it looks awesome!! I wish I was there to! You are a wonderful homemaker! Love hd
i am drooling.
i want to eat pie.
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