Although I was gone I was able to get quite a bit of my crafting done. In fact I finished several projects that had been plaguing me for –literally- years.
The following are the pictures of some of the projects I finished since the last post.

In other news!!! My New Year resolution! I am going to be taking my crafting one step further. I am going to be selling my wares in a number of venues- online through this website, through a crafting website called Etsy, and at craft sales.
Here is a little background as to my resolution:
Some of you may know that I have a little girl… that little girl is turning one on February 2nd which also means that my mat leave and subsequently my EI, is also coming to an end. I have decided that due to the fact that daycare is ridiculously expensive, and I would have had to have been on a waiting list since before I was pregnant, and lets be honest I don’t want to leave my little girl- I wont be returning back to work full time, so I will need to make some extra cash.
Reason number two. I LOVE to craft!!!! I love it, love it, love it! I think I have come up with some pretty cool stuff, and I have had amazing response to my finished projects. A lot of people have said that I could sell some of my wares, and that was so flattering to hear and it got me thinking, “Why not?”
To sum up: I love to craft, I need to make some extra$ and I know people who would like to buy my crafts….
As of right now I am doing research, setting up the appropriate internet web pages, putting the final touches on my logo, and the most important thing- building my stock.
My stock will be made up of mainly two products. As soon as I build up enough stock in these two areas Í will expand my wares.
The first product is reversible diaper bags. One side will be for him and one side for her. It features at least 5 pockets, and is made of durable and stylish fabric. I will be looking into repurposed fabrics as well as environmentally friendly and sustainable fabrics. If you know of any place I can get good prices on this let me know. (See below for example of product)

The other product is baby/toddler boots. These boots will be leather soled. The leather will be repurposed from garments, or scraps. The color of the boots is unlimited, the closure Velcro, and can come with a leather medallion of your choice. (See below for example of product)

And to my fellow crafters- I will also be selling the patterns online for those of you who would like to make these products yourself. I just have to write them out first!
I am also going to do graphic design for all your announcements needs! (baby announcements, thank you cards, invitations, holiday greetings, music posters, CD covers, ect). What I will do for this is request a high quality digital photo and the pertinent information, I will do the graphic design based on the customers request and email back a jpeg for the client to do with what they like. Here are some examples of some work I have done. Once I have my other page up and running you will be able to view a full portfolio!

As of right now I am still researching how much I should charge. If you have any advice let me know!
If you would like to put in a special advanced order, I would be happy to accommodate you, and can make the product to your liking. Email me at with a subject line of “Butterfly Garage advance order”, and we can correspond from there!!
Eventually I am going to set up a special webpage for sales purposes, but for those of you who like to follow my crafting adventures stay tune to this blogspot, as I will never stop chronicling my experiences!