I'm so excited! A couple months ago an online magazine called
Modern Handmade Child asked to feature one of my hot water bottles in an article in their Fall issue! I was so surprised and excited! And then, because of the memory challenged brain I have(thanks for that gem of an inheritance, mom) I promptly forgot! Until yesterday. So as I sat at my computer for the first time today, I quickly uploaded the mag, and voila!
There it was...
There is something so exciting about someone using something that you poured so much time and thought into, and to see it surrounded by font and making a loving example of what "TO DO". Ahhh... future goals and aspirations: to be in magazines more often. Martha Stewart Living. I. mean. you. Well we can dream. (side note: I have 8 brand new hot water bottle covers I have just finished with some brand new appliqué designs. So hopefully with this magazine article I can drum up some exposure, and tomorrow I am not going to eat or sleep until I get those new items listed!)
I also wanted to share with you that I DID get into the
Kaelido Art Fest, September 10-12th! I was thinking to myself: "Self, you have done good for..(pause).. yourself.... You have stock lined up for this Art Fest, and you have over a month to make as much as you can to pad your shelves! You are pretty nifty, oh so talented, and yes, beautiful, did I mention creative and talented as well... (the last sentence was an merely an exercise in positive image behavioural therapy). Lets just say I thought I was in a good spot.
And then BANG! My friend Mat messaged me and asked me to please be part of this one day community festival called
Eastwoodfest 2010, and would I like to have a table- oh-
also its in two weeks? "OF COURSE!" I proclaimed, not necessarily paying attention to the last two words of that sentence. What budding business woman turns down a free(did I mention its free- to me and to you! You should come! August 14th, 10-6) business opportunity?!?!? Seconds after I fired off my reply, a strange feeling hit me... "Ummmm What if you sell all your stock?"(budding business women are required to be optimistic by nature) So.... I need to have double what I thought I would have going into 2 festivals within 3 weeks of each other! Time to get my medium size butt(I have lost all but 3 lb of my baby weight- losing weight is hard, so let me brag!) IN GEAR!
So.....I guess what I'm saying is.....
I need your help!
Seriously... can you call me and tell me when you can come over and help me sew?